Social Media :: Social Dilemma

Every coin has two sides. Similarly, social media also have two faces. It's totally up to you how you deal with them. The good side of the presence on all the social media platforms is you used to be bombarded with a lot of information at every instance, so if you find a really interesting thread, you can dig the very fast following through different social media networks, libraries, webs, and get at the bottom of that thing quickly. Also due to social media whole world comes closer than ever before, exposure increases in every aspect. All information is available at one click. Nowadays we are all vulnerable to social approval, looking for that imaginary image that is built based on compliments and likes. It is a weird way to display your life, just showcasing a good side like a glass case, an unrealistic version of life that everyone nowadays cultivates and also tries hard to maintain that image. Rather than what you think about yourself from your point of view you always look a...