" PYTHON " in nutshell


 In Stack-overFlow's developer survey Python is at the number one position in terms of most in-demand languages. There are various reasons why python is the most popular language nowdays.AI, Data Science, Machine learning are a hot kind of trend that appeals to everyone. Python beats all other programming languages while riding on all these new technologies. Python is an all-purpose programming language, you can do all kinds of cool stuff by using python.

 You can do Web Development by using Django( Django link) and flask( Flask link )

 In-Game Development you can use the Pygame module( Pygame link)

You can do UI Development by using PyQt ( PyQt link) and Tkinter ( Tkinter link)modules.

For Deep Learning, there is PyTorch( PyTorch link) and Tensorflow ( TensorFlow)

 In the case of Exploratry Data Analysis, there is Numpy, Pandas.

 Python is an interpreter language, so you don't have to compile it, talking about other languages they took a lot of time in the compilation, Python saves all of this time so you may focus on optimization and logic in that time. Python also has a very beautiful ecosystem. There are more than 235,000 packages available on the central repository from where you can download different python packages. Python contains 137,000 libraries present today. In terms of salary, you can check out all on indeed.com( indeed.com). Python gives you tons of career options in various fields like Data Analyst, Software engineering, Web developer, Data scientist, RPA Executive.

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