Basic Difference Between Artificial intelligence (AI), Machine learning (ML), AND Deep learning (DL) ...

 In the blog, we are diving into the sea of information on new trending technology. Let's discuss the basic difference between Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning. All these are a new high in demand emerging technology, which provides lots of new jobs in the tech industry. All this stuff is like an iceberg, we just explore its tip but still, we can glimpse the impact of all this in our daily life. Speech recognition, Image recognition, Digital assistance,  Medical diagnosis, Apple's siri, Tesla's self driving car, Googles AI, Spam filters, Palgiarism checkers and many more are the real life applications of all this magnificent technology.

  • DEEP  LEARNING:  Deep Learning is all about neural networks.Implementation of neural networks in code so that a program or machine can mimic the working of the human brain in lots of aspects. It is a subset of machine learning. Two frameworks are present to deal with deep learning one is PyTorch from Facebook and another is TensorFlow from Google. If you are using these two frameworks in your program then congratulation you are working in deep learning. Deep learning creates multi-neural architecture, you may sort out it into three types - ANN, CNN, RNN. Each one has some pros and cons.
  1. ANN-Artificial Neural Network: In Ann input data is mainly in the form of Numbers. It is used to solve problems related to text, tabular, image data.
  2. CNN-Convolutional Neural Network: In Cnn input data is mainly in the form of images. It captures the special features of images, filters automatically learns by itself from pixels, and arrangement of images.
  3. .RNN-Recurrent Neural Network: In Rnn input data is in the form of time series format, temporal sequence. It is used to solve the problems related to time series, audio, and text data.

  • .MACHINE  LEARNING : Machine Learning is deep learning plus something else, and that something else is statistical models. Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence, it provides us the statistical tool to explore data, it helps us to explore and analyze all the data. ML programs or algorithms are designed in a way that they can learn and improve on the exposure of new data or maybe the old one. ML is categorized into lots of subdomains some of them are-     
1] Supervised  learning - all data is already stored in the program, so the outcome is predictable. It contains both the input and the desired output.
2] Unsupervised  learning - The program or the algorithm does not possess any kind of past data, that's why we can't predict the output after a certain level. It contains only inputs, not the desired output that you looking for. It involves summarizing and explaining the data that has been not labeled.
3] Semi-supervised  learning - In this type some data is already stored but some not. It contains both the labeled and unlabelled data.
Apart from three types, there are various types of  ML present like Self learning, Feature learning, Robot learning, Reinforcement learning, etc.

  • ARTIFICIAL  INTELLIGENCE : Artificial intelligence is a broader term than ML and DL, Both machine learning and deep learning falls under the umbrella of artificial intelligence. AI is a pretty old concept, it was introduced in 1956 (by John McCarthy). It gains popularity nowadays because of the enormous size of data, its availability, advanced algorithms, storage spaces for data.AI helps the machine to learn by itself as humans, this term is also applied to any machine or program(algorithm) that exhibit some features of the human mind. There are four types of artificial intelligence or any system which is based on AI-
  1. Self-Aware : This type of system has human like like self awareness and intelligence.
  2. Limited  Memory : This uses memory to learn and improve its performance.
  3. Reactive : This type of system has no memory,it only responds to specific stimuli.
  4. Theory of  Mind : It understand the need of other intelligent entities.

KEEP SHARING..........    


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